Friday, July 22, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Move On After Infidelity?

How long does it take someone to actually move on after the break up of a relationship or marriage due to infidelity? I have seen it in my different my own, it seemed like it took forever. I just had a very hard time getting myself to open myself up to anyone else. I had to learn to get over my ex, before I could move on. I have also known people who go out with other people JUST to get over the past....not me. For me, it was YEARS.  Why did it take so long? Was  I thinking at all?  Maybe I just wanted to leave an open space of time to be able to ponder on what had happened to me. Actually, I was still wanting know, the" how come he did this to me?", and the " why did he cheat on me if he says he really loves me?" and the famous.."oh, you just THOUGHT I did something but I didn't", I didn't get any of those answers and to this day, I know I never will.  But it did take me a very long time to be able to get him out of my system. After all, he broke apart our family, our home, and my heart. So, if you are going through infidelity with your other half, don't expect to get all the answers you are looking for, and don't keep waiting for the answers.  Moving on is something that we all do differently. It takes takes crying, getting mad, and then just finding something better in life. Don't be too hard on yourself. Be patient.


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