Monday, July 25, 2011

The Tell Tale Signs of Infidelity in Women

When talking about infidelity, marital or otherwise, it is often assumed that the man is the one who has gone astray. But women, too, cheat albeit for an altogether different reasons. But more often than not, the husband is usually unsuspecting, but not for long. Here are just some of the telltale signs of infidelity committed by your wife or girlfriend.

The scent is the number one indicator of an illicit affair. Men, like women, wear particular cologne or after-shave (more like their signature scent), which gets transferred to the women they€re intimate with. Pay attention to her scent when you hug her when she comes home from work. More often than not, she will tell you she saw an old friend or relative on the way home.

Concern over her physical appearance and wearing provocative clothes are also signs of in fidelity. Dieting, makeovers, shopping for new clothes and lingerie may indicate she€s trying to impress someone else.

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